has performed many lofty positions in life, The most uplifting to him is the one he chose, which was to serve mankind by showing them the way to health, wealth, and success.

Upon selling his UK based Integrated High Security IT company which he ran for 25 years as the company owner, he took the "jump" out of the corporate world into his passion for helping people to be more, do more and get more out of their life than they ever thought possible! Young or old, he helped them create a new blueprint for life that literally changed their world and continues to do so.

As a result of that work, he was attracted to study, research, write and publish 50+ books of which 6 books were #1 Best Sellers in genres Health & Wellness, Alzheimer’s / Dementia, Success in Business &Life, and Christianity & more recently on AI & Robotics

has developed a special Ai- Robotic Machine (which is currently in a prototype stage) which can be used as a “Virtual Carer” for Dementia patients who live alone and cannot afford 24-hour care.

His book on Ai were prepared for people who are NOT experts to AI so that they can about AI and Robotics, the power of AI as well as pros and cons including ethical considerations.

The current book emphasizes the fact that the more robust the new regulatory frameworks and the more skilful the governance, the better are the chances that the benefits might be shared across populations, with minimal damage to those who currently find themselves with their hands on the levers of power for now. The book explores these issues.